Well, my first book, John Cleese Saved My Life! …And Other True Tales Of Pop, Politics, and Prayer is finally here.

The folks at Luminare Press were amazing at helping me understand the process of self-publishing. Their expertise in editing and formatting during these last eight months has gotten me across the finish line of this race I started ten years ago.
It’s all a bit surreal. As I mentioned in the previous blog post, I’ve wanted to be an author since I was a little kid. Am I excited now that it’s happened?
Am I also terrified?
You betcha.
I really don’t know what happens next.
My independent personality has long been tainted with streaks of stubbornness and laziness. I’m also an introvert. So, it should be no surprise that I am a terrible salesperson. Growing up, I could never get people to pledge money for my read-a-thon, buy raffle tickets, or even plunk down a pity quarter for a cup of the lemonade sold from the wagon that we kids pulled up and down our block. In addition to it always seeming like an imposition, deep down I wondered, “Why would anybody support me or want something that I have? Who do I think I am, anyway?” As a grown-ass adult, those feelings remain and I still hate asking people for donations or favors of any kind.
Given my nature and the fact that I don’t have a literary agent to handle the marketing and publicity involved in selling a book, the hustle won’t be easy. So, while I am going to ask you (sheepishly and under my breath) to purchase my book
with the hope that you will enjoy it, I am also going to ask you (assertively and by making eye contact) to spread the word about my book!
Go on, then! Share my website on your social media! If you read my book and like it, leave a review on the site from whence it was purchased!
There! I did it!
In the meantime, I’ll try some stuff, too. Maybe you’ll see a review somewhere. Or maybe I’ll show up at a bookstore event. Who knows?
Thanks again for supporting me and for all the words of encouragement over the years.